90 Day Warranty
You need a professional you can depend on even after the job is done. That’s why we back all of our inspections with a 90 Day Limited Structural and Mechanical Warranty.

Roof Warranty
Handles the repair of leaks to your home’s roof for a period of 5 years following the date of inspection.

Appliance Recalls
The first service for consumer recalls in the U.S. has compiled over 225 million recalls from public records, to create a fail-safe system to check for dangerous flaws with home appliances.

Sewer Warranty
FREE Sewer & Water line leak protection, from the house to the municipal connection. ($300 deductible / $2,000 per aggregate coverage) Coverage starts the day of the inspection and protects for 90 days or 22 days after closing, whichever is longer. Warranty extends to 12 months with Sewerscope.

Mold Warranty
For up to 90 days following the date of the inspection, if you move in to your new home and mold is present that was not found when inspected, you're covered for remediation.

Termite Warranty
Enjoy peace of mind with a FREE one-year termite warranty if no termite infestation is detected at the property. This warranty assures coverage against termites appearing within the year following the inspection. More information can be found on your separate termite report.